"haha javascript go brrrrrrr"


Point 13: There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.
- The Zen of Python

We JavaScript developers get it - There’s a lot of different ways to write JavaScript code for any given task, perhaps too many ways 😩

As writing code involves - to a very large extent - composing (ie. combining) code in certain ways, let us explore how this looks like in JavaScript for both Object-Oriented (OO) and Functional Programming (FP) styles.

Important Concepts

Under the hood, JavaScript only uses Prototypal Inheritance.

  • JavaScript doesn’t have real Class-based Inheritance - JavaScript emulates Class-based Inheritance through the use of the prototype chain.


This article draws heavily on Eric Elliott’s excellent writeup on Common Misconceptions About Inheritance in JavaScript. I highly recommend that you read it too! Also, thanks Eric!


The code examples are built around this problem space:

  1. Declare an Animal base type/parent class that supports
    • name:string
    • getName: () => string
  2. Declare a Dog type/subclass that supports
    • Animal interactions
    • tricks: string[]
    • getTricks: () => string[]
  3. Declare a Cat type/subclass that supports
    • Animal interactions
    • isSprayed: boolean
    • checkIsSprayed: () => boolean

Language: TypeScript

Example code: oo-fp-composition

JS: OO Styles

1. Delegation: ES6 class

class Animal {
  name: string;

  constructor(name: string) {
    this.name = name;

  getName(): string {
    return this.name;

class Dog extends Animal {
  tricks: string[];

  constructor(name: string, tricks: string[]) {
    this.tricks = tricks;

  getTricks(): string[] {
    return this.tricks;

class Cat extends Animal {
  isSprayed: boolean;

  constructor(name: string, isSprayed: boolean) {
    this.isSprayed = isSprayed;

  checkIsSprayed(): boolean {
    return this.isSprayed;

export const jetDog = new Dog("Jet", ["fetch"]);

export const jonCat = new Cat("Jon", true);

This is the canonical OO Class-based Inheritance syntax - No surprises here.

The class syntax is actually a huge boon for everyone, since it hides away the complexities and standardizes the implementation of Class-based Inheritance in JavaScript - Developers no longer have to handwrite this, which can be an error-prone process.

2. Delegation: proto

const animalProto = {
  getName(): string {
    return (this as any).name;

const dogMixin = {
  getTricks(): string[] {
    return (this as any).tricks;

const catMixin = {
  checkIsSprayed(): boolean {
    return (this as any).isSprayed;

const makeDog = (name: string, tricks: string[]) => {
  const dog = Object.assign(Object.create(animalProto), dogMixin, {
  return dog;

const makeCat = (name: string, isSprayed: boolean) => {
  const cat = Object.assign(Object.create(animalProto), catMixin, {
  return cat;

export const jetDog = makeDog("Jet", ["fetch"]);

export const jonCat = makeCat("Jon", true);

Here’s what’s going on:

  1. Use Object.create() to create a new object with animalProto as its prototype, thereby reusing the getName() logic.
  2. Assign dogMixin/catMixin to new object to add instance methods to object
  3. Assign instance variables (eg. name, tricks, isSprayed`) to make instance variables available to instance methods.

Key points to note:

  • Instance methods access instance variables through the own object’s this reference.
  • For getName() the Dog/Cat objects access its functionality through climbing down the prototype chain.
  • For getTricks()/checkIsSprayed(), the Dog/Cat objects access its functionality through the object’s own immediate property (no delegation required)

3. Mixin - Object.assign()

const animalMixin = {
  getName(): string {
    return (this as any).name;

const dogMixin = {
  getTricks(): string[] {
    return (this as any).tricks;

const catMixin = {
  checkIsSprayed(): boolean {
    return (this as any).isSprayed;

const makeDog = (name: string, tricks: string[]) => {
  const dog = Object.assign({}, animalMixin, dogMixin, { name, tricks });
  return dog;

const makeCat = (name: string, isSprayed: boolean) => {
  const cat = Object.assign({}, animalMixin, catMixin, { name, isSprayed });
  return cat;

export const jetDog = makeDog("Jet", ["fetch"]);

export const jonCat = makeCat("Jon", true);

The key difference between OO Delegate proto and OO Mixin is that the getName() functionality is no longer accessed by prototype chain, but as a method with the object’s own property.

4. Functional Inheritance

const animalMixin = (name: string) => {
  return {
    getName(): string {
      return name;

const dogMixin = (tricks: string[]) => {
  return {
    getTricks(): string[] {
      return tricks;

const catMixin = (isSprayed: boolean) => {
  return {
    checkIsSprayed(): boolean {
      return isSprayed;

const makeDog = (name: string, tricks: string[]) => {
  const dog = Object.assign({}, animalMixin(name), dogMixin(tricks));
  return dog;

const makeCat = (name: string, isSprayed: boolean) => {
  const cat = Object.assign({}, animalMixin(name), catMixin(isSprayed));
  return cat;

export const jetDog = makeDog("Jet", ["fetch"]);

export const jonCat = makeCat("Jon", true);

This example takes the OO Mixin a step further by implementing data hiding - external code can no longer access the instance variables of the objects. In fact, the objects don’t have instance variables, but just instance methods!

JS: FP Styles

1. Pointfree

export type AnimalType = { name: string };

export type DogType = AnimalType & { tricks: string[] };

export type CatType = AnimalType & { isSprayed: boolean };

export const getName = (a: AnimalType): string => a.name;

export const getTricks = (d: DogType): string[] => d.tricks;

export const checkIsSprayed = (c: CatType): boolean => c.isSprayed;

const makeDog = (name: string, tricks: string[]): DogType => {
  return {

const makeCat = (name: string, isSprayed: boolean): CatType => {
  return {

export const jetDog: DogType = makeDog("Jet", ["fetch"]);

export const jonCat: CatType = makeCat("Jon", true);

In pointfree style, objects are pure data structures with neither instance methods nor mutating methods.

All methods are implemented as functions that accept interfaces.

Note: Ok, I know that strictly speaking, it should be prop('tricks'), and not d.tricks. Man, it’s hard being in the FP club 😢

2. Inline Handlers

export type AnimalType = { name: string, getName(): string };

export type DogType = AnimalType & { tricks: string[], getTricks(): string[] };

export type CatType = AnimalType & {
  isSprayed: boolean,
  checkIsSprayed(): boolean,

const makeGetNameHandler = (name: string) => () => name;

const makeDog = (name: string, tricks: string[]): DogType => {
  return {
    getName: makeGetNameHandler(name),
    getTricks: () => tricks,

const makeCat = (name: string, isSprayed: boolean): CatType => {
  return {
    getName: makeGetNameHandler(name),
    checkIsSprayed: () => isSprayed,

export const jetDog: DogType = makeDog("Jet", ["fetch"]);

export const jonCat: CatType = makeCat("Jon", true);

This pattern of attaching functions to objects enjoys high cohesion, and is quite a common pattern in JS codebases.

Also, this approach is almost a 1-1 match to the OO Mixin style 🧐

Observations & Takeaways

  • OO Mixin and OO FI styles are strikingly similar to FP styles, which surprised me 🤔 (gets off my FP high-horse 😂)
  • OO Delegation ES6, in the long run, suffers from leaky abstraction and fragile base class problems, as already alluded to in Eric Elliott’s article.
  • FP styles + OO Mixin + OO FI styles avoid the two aforementioned problems because they allow you to include only the exact functionality in an object. Composition over Inheritance QED 🤩
  • FP Pointfree is a better option in terms of refactoring, as you’d be able to refactor methods (which are smaller code units) into their own files eg. getDogTricks.ts, instead of refactoring handler generators to their own files eg. makeDogMethods.ts. This is useful for scenarios when methods get too big. Alas, we’re nitpicking here. Potato, Po-tah-toh 🤷‍♂️

    • I initially thought that FP Pointfree and FP Inline Handlers would turn out to be around the same, but alas, a worked example has given us better clarity 👍
  • In my humble opinion, reusing functionality via Mixin style or FP styles are a clearer means of doing so vis-a-vis Delegation style, owing to a ‘flatter’ dependency structure.

    Why bother with the prototype chain when you can just create an instance method as a property that exists at the same level of the object?

    How about achieving the same outcome by declaring methods that exist outside of the object, ala pointfree style?